SL Greeting

Hello everybody, my name is Zhi Xi and today I’ve been learning how to say my name in NZ Sign language.


ANZAC – Haiku

Hello everybody! My name is Zhi Xi and this week I’ve been learning about Anzac and I’ve made a small Haiku poem, a Haiku poem doesn’t need to rhyme and it has a pattern of 5,7,5.


Hello everybody, my name is Zhi Xi and this week I’ve been learning about Volume and capacity. We created 3 dimensional containers using paper, a pair of scissors and tape. Then we measured the height, length, and width.

Why Do We Blog?

Hello everybody, Today I learned why we blog. I have made a google slides explaining why we blog.

We blog to show our learning to other students, teachers, principals and parents. We share what we have learnt to improve our learning by explaining what we have done. It also teaches people stuff they might have never heard of or never learnt. That is why we blog, to teach others and share what we have learnt.


This week I have been doing my information report about myself, I used google slides to make my information report.                         

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