Maths – Angles

Hello everybody, this week me and my class have been learning about angles. We learned 6 types of angles, they are called Acute angle, right angle, obtuse angle and straight line, reflex, and full rotation. We went on google drawings or google slides and we made 4 diagrams explaining what each angle mean. Check it out and if you have any feedback feel free to leave it in the comments.


Water research – Why is Water important?

Hello everybody, recently me and my class has been learning about water. We have been researching why water is important, I’ve learned some stuff while reading an article and there are stuff that I’ve already know. Check it out and give some feedback if you have any!

Pick A Path Blog Commenting

Hello everybody, today me and my class were practicing quality comments and how to write them. I made a pick a path in google slides. Check it out!

Matariki Information Report

Helloo everybody, WALHT write an information report. Yesterday me and my class have been learning how to write a information report on Matariki. We had questions written on the board and we had to write a paragraph when we answer the question to make a information report.

Writing – Mood

Helloo everybody, welcome back to my blog and WALT write a descriptive/mood writing. Our class had a image on the tv and we had to write down a writing frame. We then wrote specific list of words, after we wrote the list of words, we putted the words into the writing frame to make a piece of writing check it out!

Pastel Art

Helloo everybody, WALT draw patterns. We first made a sketch of what pattern we wanted, we had to make a shape and then choose a odd number. The odd number will be the amount of koru’s inside the shape. It drew 3 shapes and I decided to go with the star because I think it is the best looking out of all of the shapes.

Measuring square metre

Helloo everybody and welcome to my blog! Today me and my class was learning how to measure square metre. We first made a 1 metre flat piece of paper, next we put the paper on the floor and wondered how many people can stand on the paper, we only had 3 people in our group so we moved forward and we ended up with 12 people. We then tried sitting down and we ended up with 5 people.

Samoan Pick A Path

Helloo everybody! This week we attended Ako Hiko student toolkits, we learnt how to create a pick a path slideshow, I created this slideshow with my friend Princeton, we worked hard so I hope you all like it 😀

Clerihew Poem

Hello everybody, today I learned what a clerihew poem, a clerihew poems have four lines, they rhyme, funny and silly. Check mine out! 😀