Tag: Writing

Writing – 1st Person My Goldilocks

Hello everybody, this wee me and my class read a story called My Goldilocks. It is a 3rd person story and we had to turn it into a 1st person story.  The first paragraph we did together as a class ad the second paragraph we picked a buddy to work with. Here is Our story:

My Goldilocks

I was out walking looking for berries for my pancakes. When I stumbled across
an old rustic cottage, with the door swinging open. I knocked, rat a tat tat. No one
replied. I got worried, “Who would leave the door open and not be home?
I thought to myself. I quickly entered the cottage to check everyone was okay. I know CPR.

I started to feel tired so I went down the hall to find the living room with 3 chairs in the room. I sat on the first chair and it was too hard,it felt like I was sitting on a rock. I walked to the second chair, it was way too soft. I saw a third chair, so I tried sitting on it but it broke! I got up from the broken pieces from the chair.

When the sun rose up, I started to feel tired. I walked into the bedroom and saw three beds. I tried the first bed, it was uncomfortable and hard. The second bed was a little bit more comfortable but too soft! I saw a third bed so I got into it. The bed was just perfect so I took a nap.

Suddenly I heard footsteps come up the stairs! I started to panic. There were three bears that looked at me, I got scared so I ran out the house as fast as possible.


This task was fun because I enjoyed creating a perspective of a character in a story. At the beginning the task was a little bit confusing but then I started to understand what I needed to do.

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